This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
Team Tournaments
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  • About
    Glanbrook Minor Hockey Association
    Jerry Smith Memorial Tournament

    December 27-29, 2014
    GMHA Tournament Rules and Regulations
    1. This is an OMHA sanctioned tournament and as such is governed by the current OMHA Rules and Regulations. In the event of a dispute, the decision of the Tournament Committee is final and binding.
    2. All OMHA (or Other Association) rosters, and travel permits (if required) must be presented to the tournament chairor designate,
    one (1) hour prior to the start of the first scheduled game time. All players must sign in one (1) hour prior to their first
    scheduled game as well. If a player has not signed in, he/she is ineligible to play until such time as the proper paper work is completed.
    3. Fighting will not be tolerated. Any fighting related penalties, major penalties, game misconducts and/or gross misconduct penalties by players or bench staff will result in suspension for the duration of the tournament.
    4. All teams are guaranteed three (3) games. Only the top two (2) teams per pod will advance into the finals.The top teams of each pod shall be determined by a point per period format; IE: one (1) point shall be given for each period won, and two (2) points will be given for a game win. (up to a maximum of five (5) points per game) Ties shall be one (1) point per team.
    5. In the event two teams are tied for points, goals against shall determine the winner. If necessary then a goals for will be used. If it is still a tie, the team that scored the first goal in the head to head game shall be determined the winner. All games shall consist of three (3) ten minute stop time periods.
    6. There shall be a two (2) minute warm up prior to the game start. This time will start once the Zamboni doors are closed.
    7. Each team must have a certified coach and trainer on the playing bench. Teams may share a trainer if need be.

    8. All teams must be prepared to play up to twenty (20) minutes prior to the regular scheduled game time.

    9. Tie games shall remain tie in regular tournament play. Ties in playoff games shall be broken as follows 1) a five (5) minute Sudden Victory period of four (4) on four (4) hockey. If there is still a tie, a Shoot Out of one (1) on one (1) shall take place. All players on the bench must shoot before the first (1st) shooter and all subsequent players are eligible to shoot again.

    10. The Shoot Out will run with one (1) player from each team simultaneously attempting to score on their opposition’s goalie.The winner will be determined after the first three shooters from each team have shot. The team with the most goals after the first three shooters have gone will be awarded the win. In the event of a tie after three shooters, all subsequent rounds will be “sudden death”.

    11. All penalties assessed during regulation will carry over to any overtime periods.

    Google map link to Glanbrook Arena:

  • Recap
    No recap has been provided for this tournament