May 20, 2019 | Rick Roubos | 759 views
How to Subscribe to the Team Calendar
Read this article if you would like to have all team events and notifications show up on the personal calendar on your mobile device.
To have all team events and notifications show up on the personal calendar on your mobile device follow these instructions:
1. Visit the team web page using a web browser, click on calendar and then click on subscribe
2. Select the reminder options if you want alerts. I suggest 2 hours for home games, 3 hours for away, 1 hour for practices and other events.
3. If you are doing this from an Apple product click “To open the address directly” and say yes to subscribe to the calendar. Apple users are done, Android and PC users continue to step 4.
4. Click “To copy the address to your clipboard”. On a mobile device you can long press on the web address and select copy. (alternatively, you can just select the line that begins with webcal:// and tap copy.)
5. Visit the Google Calendar website using a web browser. This cannot be done from the Google Calendar app. If you are using a mobile device, make sure to select "Desktop Site" (or similar open) in the browser options.
6. Click the + beside "Other calendars".
7. Select "From URL", paste the link you copied in step 4 and click “Add calendar”.
8. (optional) Click on the newly added calendar listed under “Settings from other calendars” and change the name to something more recognizable.
But wait, there's more!
On your mobile device:
9. Open the Google Calendar app on your mobile device
10. Tap the option menu (three vertical dots at the top-right) and select refresh. Wait for it to finish
11. Tap the "hamburger" menu (three horizontal lines on the top-left), scroll down and click "Settings"
12. Find the calendar you added (tap "Show more" if necessary) and tap on it.
13. Make sure Sync is turned on (will be coloured when on)
14. Back out to your Calendar
15. Tap on the "hamburger" menu
16. Find the SCMHA Peewee AE White Calendar (tap "Show more" if necessary) and tap the checkmark to make the events visible on your calendar.