Social Committee Representatives Needed, News, Minor PeeWee AA, PeeWee, 2013-2014, Rep (HOME OF THE STONEY CREEK WARRIORS AA HOCKEY)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jul 31, 2013 | Vincent | 614 views
Social Committee Representatives Needed
4 people needed to form a Social Committee for our team.  Duties include planning and organizing team social activities such as upcoming BBQ, christmas party etc.  Social events are very important because they make the team better and more enjoyable for all.  If you are interested please contact Coach Jim.

Thank you to the following hockey moms who volunteered to make up the social committee:

Paola Mattina, Catharine Condello, Bonnie Harman, Nancy Cherubin, Jean Zvonar, and Stef Soules

Please everyone remember that these ladies that will be in charge of the social activities of the team.  Remember that it is impossible to please everyone, only positive comments welcome.
